Saturday, November 1, 2014

Repair Work

In the early years of this blog (2008 and 2009) I experimented in different ways by adding a small chess board to each post, upon which the Reader could play out the moves of the game presented. In one format, code linked my blog post to another web page where the chess board was set up.

This worked until the linked-to web page became inactive. I discovered at that point that some of the earlier Jerome Gambit blog posts (i.e. from 5 or 6 years back) were viewable only for a few seconds, after which they were replaced by information about the availability of the second website. Frustrating.

When I provide a link in a current Jerome Gambit blog post to an older post, I now make sure to go back to the older post and edit out the linking code, so that the post is viewable.

I am in the process of visiting all of the early blog posts, and making the proper edits so that all of them will be visible for as long as Readers are willing to gaze. This may take a bit of time.

In the meantime, as they say in construction, "Please pardon our dust".

[Although there was some fall-off from September 2014's record-setting number of visitors to the blog, October 2014 still placed in the top 10 months, calculated since the start in 2008. Many thanks, Readers - and please feel welcome to continue to visit!] 

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