Sunday, September 11, 2016

Jerome Gambit: All's Well That Ends Well

Image result for free clip art all is well
Here are three recent games from the online site, where a lot of exciting chess is played.

They all were played with quick time controls.

They all brought a smile to my lips.

First, White is a piece down, but his "Jerome pawns" assist his Knight in delivering checkmate.

Dragan58 - ericksene,, 2016

Next, it is White who has the material advantage - a couple more pieces, and an extra pawn - but it doesn't matter, as he ran out of time. Ouch.

isergant - manamanah,, 2016

Finally, Black has been better in the following game for a long time (since move 4?) but he relaxed a moment too soon. It is White to move - and it is stalemate.

belih - victor,, 2016

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