Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy 10th Birthday!

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I have been a bit busy lately, so this email hit me by surprise:
Dear Rick, how do you do! My warmest congratulations with 10 years of your nice blog!!! It's an enormous and a noble work! Thank you a lot for it!!! I'm going to post congratulations on my Facebook-page "Newchessrevolution Bukayev" too.Best wishes!Yury

Wow! That's right. June 10, 2008 was the date of the first post on this blog.

For the record, the next post will be number 2,600.

And Yury has been contributing ideas and support for at least 8 years, if my figuring is correct. Many, many thanks!

A profound "Thank You!" to all Readers, and especially those who have contributed analysis, games and ideas, over the last decade.

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