Thursday, August 9, 2018

Latest UON - With Jerome Gambit

I recently heard from Gary K. Gifford, editor, that the latest issue of the Unorthodox Openings Newsletter - #35, September, 2018 - is now available for download, online at Yahoo! Groups (

I have mentioned UON on this blog a number of times, for its coverage of a large number of unorthodox openings - including, of course, the Jerome Gambit.

It's like welcoming back and old friend who hasn't been by in a while.

Here's a peek at Issue #35

1. 2 King’s Gambits and a Latvian, by Gary K. Gifford
2. Jerome Gambit Game #1, Rick Kennedy
3. Jerome Gambit Game # 2, Bill Wall
4. Combats homériques à partir des gambits, Dany Sénéchaud
(Homeric* Fights from the Gambits)
5. Diemer-Duhm Gambit, Bob Jansen

Check it out.

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