Sunday, September 2, 2018

Jerome Gambit: Artificial Piffle

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Okay, I admit it, I was bored. I certainly was not up for a complex, multi-layered intellectual exercise. So, seeing a chessplaying program on my computer, I thought I would while away some time with it - and the Jerome Gambit.

It turns out that I did this once before, 7 years ago - see "Contempt?!" The game does not seem to be in The Database, however. Odd.

I think Microsoft created the Chess Titans program to introduce people to chess. In a world where the world champion would have little chance of defeating top silicon challengers, it turns out that my opponent the other day was not so strong. 

perrypawnpusher - Chess Titans
casual game, 2018

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ke6 7.Qf5+
Kd6 8.f4 

I was pretty sure that my opponent was not seriously booked up on the Jerome Gambit, and that the killer move 8...Qh4+!? was not going to show up now.

For the record, 8.Nc3 was played by my son against the program years ago, in jon - Chess Titans, 2011 (1-0, 14). That game does not appear in The Database, either. (I will remedy.)


I suppose that this was part of the computer's programming, to keep it "weak" - occasionally producing stunners like this.

9.Qxe5+ Kc6 10.Qxh8 

Taking the Rook is best. I got a great game soon after 10.Qd5+, however, frittering it all away and barely surviving to draw in perrypawnpusher - spontex, 8 8 blitz, FICS, 2009 (1/2-1/2, 59). 


I also faced 10...d6, leading to an interesting battle, in perrypawnpusher - vermifugo, blitz, FICS, 2014 (1-0, 38)

11.d4 Bxd4 12.Qxd4 h6 

Okay, if it can be said that there was any kind of thread running through this game, it is clear that by now, CT has lost it.

13.Qd5+ Kb6 14.Be3+ c5 15.b4 Qxf4 

I suppose if Chess Titans were my client, I would diagnose clinical depression. Still, there was nothing for Black to be excited about in the computer-recommended 15...Kc7 16.Nc3 Qg7 17.Qxc5+ Kd8 18.Bd4 Qe7 19.Qa5+ Ke8 20.O-O-O

16.Qxc5+ Ka6 17.Qa5 checkmate

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