Friday, September 14, 2018

Jerome Gambit: Too Fast, Too Furious (Part 3)

[continued from the previous post]

perrypawnpusher - TobiasBrunner
"Let's Play ThChess e Italian Game" tournament, 2018 


An example of "patzer sees check, patzer gives check", but it turns out to be a good move.

27...c5 28.Qxb7+ Ke5 


This is funny. I was worried about Black putting a Rook on b8, with an attack on my Queen and an x-ray attack on my b-pawn. More to the point was, of course, 29.Qf3.


Samuel Johnson once said Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

I could see that my opponent planned to put his Bishop on the a8-h1 diagonal to complement the Rook's attack on my King. I certainly didn't want to lose a game after winning my opponent's Queen!

30.Qf3 Bd5 

This is what I had worried about - but, with the proper "motivation" I had figured out the solution.

31.Re1+ Kd4 

Or 31...Be4 32.Rxe4+ Kd5 33.Re8+ Kd4 34.c3 checkmate 

32.c3 checkmate

Just in time, too. The second round of the "Italian Battlegreound" tournament at was about to start...

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