Here is another quick game from chessfriend shugart, showing his interest in: attack, attack, attack! The fast time control is his friend.
I have added a few analytical notes, but not too many - I hope - because I don't want to dilute the fun of playing over another King hunt.
shugart - Tseatsy
3 0 blitz, 2018
1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nd4
The Blakckburne Shilling Jerome Gambit.
4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Ke6 6.Qh5
The Database has 125 games with this move. White scores 57%. That compares well with the recommended 6.c3 (449 games, 60%), which shows the effect, at least in part, of the quick time control.
6...Nf6 7.Qf7+ Kd6
Black is suspicious of the second piece sacrifice. In his next game (the one we saw first, in the previous post) he went for the capture with 7...Kxe5.
Going after the King. White is making his way through a messy line where the alternative ("best") play involves mutual King forks followed by wins of Rooks: 8.c3 Nc2+ 9.Kd1 Nxa1 10.d4 Qe8 11.Qxe8 Nxe8 12.Nf7+ Ke6 13.Nxh8 with advantage to Black.
8...Kc5 9.b4+ Kxb4
Taking the pawn is too risky, but in a 3-minute game it is sometimes recommended that you grab the material, and see how it all works out...
This certainly looks strong, and it turns out fine, but the fork 10.c3+ was probably the way to go.
10...Kb5 11.Nc3+ Ka6 12.O-O
It looks like Black's King is doomed, but he has the wonderful 12...Ne6!? to cut off White's Queen and save the day. However, in a blitz game that is a resource that can be difficult to find. Black swaps off some pieces - and falls into a mating trap.
12...Nxc2 13.e5 Nxa3 14.Nxa3 Bxa3 15.Qc4+ Black resigned
Checkmate is coming.