Friday, January 18, 2019

Jerome Gambit; Back Again

Chessfriend angelcamina is back with another Jerome Gambit game played online at "bullet" speed - one minute, with no increment.

I tend to rephrase the question "Is the Jerome Gambit playable?" into something like "Under what conditions is the Jerome Gambit playable?" Bullet games like the following tend to expand my understanding as to what the answer is.

angelcamina - Danielpia
1 0 bullet game,, 2019

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ng6

7.Qd5+ Ke8 8.Qxc5 d6 9.Qe3 Nf6 

10.O-O Kf7 11.f4 Re8 12.d3 d5 

13.e5 Ng4 14.Qg3 h5 15.h3 Nh6 16.d4 Qh4 

17.Qf3 Nf5 18.Qxd5+ Be6 19.Qc5 c6 20.Nc3 Nxf4

A tactical slip, but, at the speed this game was unfolding, I wouldn't be surprised if the defender had yelled out "Three no trump!" instead.

Now, White takes command.

21.Rxf4 Qg3 22.Rf3 Qg6 23.Ne4 b6 24.Nd6+ Ke7 

Checkmate is coming.

25.Nxf5+ Kd7 26.Qd6+ Kc8 27.Qxc6+ Kd8 28.Nd6 Black lost on time.

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