Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Jerome Gambit: Previously, In the Precomputer Era

Wandering the internet the other day, I ran across a Russian language chess site that teased
Previously, in the precomputer era, often against obviously weaker rivals, we played like this: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7 +?
My computer offered to translate the site to English, and I found it lots of fun.

(There is a link to this web site, as well as lichess.org.)

There is also some cogent advice
...Indeed, the dynamic capabilities of the position are a lot of trouble for Black.Therefore, it is useful to play this beginning against the engine both for whites and blacks - this will definitely contribute to the growth of tactical skill. 
The author has done his homework. The infamous game NN - Blackburne, of course, is given, but there is also with Jerome - Brownson, Iowa, 1875; Lowe - Cudmore, corr, 1881; Keeble - Cubitt, Norwich, 1886; Sorensen - X,  Denmark, 1888; and even Wall - Bison engine, 2015

It is well worth a visit.

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