Monday, October 21, 2019

Jerome Gambit: More GMs? (Part 1)

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I received an interesting email from "Cliff Hardy" the other day. In it, he notes
In the post about my game vs the Cuban GM, "A GM Faces the Jerome Gambit (Part 2)", you mentioned the virtually mistake-free game:  ChessCoachUA - PArnaudov, 3 0 blitz, lichess.org20171.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Kf8 7.Qxe5 d6 8.Qg3 Nf6 9.d3 Qd7 10.Nc3 Qg4 11.Qxg4 Bxg4 12.h3 Be6 13.Be3 Bxe3 14.fxe3 Ke7 15.O-O Rhf8 16.Nb5 c6 17.Nd4 Nd7 18.a4 Rxf1+ 19.Rxf1 Rf8 20.Rxf8 Nxf8 21.Kf2 g6 22.Nf3 Nd7 23.b3 a5 24.Ke2 Nc5 25.e5 dxe5 26.Nxe5 Kd6 27.d4 Nd7 28.Nd3 Bf5 29.g4 Bxd3+ 30.Kxd3 b5 31.axb5 cxb5 32.e4 a4 33.bxa4 bxa4 34.h4 a3 35.Kc3 Nb6 36.Kb3 Nc4 37.c3 Nd2+ 38.Kxa3 Nxe4 39.c4 Black lost on time; in which black maintains a winning advantage the whole game (from move 4), according to the Stockfish feature on Lichess (but loses on time in a winning position). I mentioned in a comment to the game that, in a slight anticlimax to my game being a rare example of a GM facing the Jerome Gambit, the black player PArnaudov is also a GM!
This certainly got me thinking! I responded quickly
The game ChessCoachUA - PArnaudov, 3 0 blitz, lichess.org2017is a good example of why some skeptical people see the Jerome Gambit as only playable in very quick games. Black can figure it all out, but it might take too much time. Certainly angelcamina has found this out with his 1 0 games.
I was interested in learning that PArnaudov is a GM... 
For fun, I went to The Database and did a search for games with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ and "ratings > 2500". I found 25 games, with 6 games where White was >2500. 
Wow! I was going to check out the games where the 2500+ player played the Jerome Gambit, first. The relevant games in The Database were all played online, not over-the-board.
One game was by BlackDemon, at FICS; it's a computer account; still, it might be fun to see if the Jerome is/was part of its book, the way "Brause" was set up to play the Halloween Gambit... 
Two of the games were by Topper76, at, in a Kentucky Opening tournament; I will have to track him down. Oddly enough, he won one Jerome Gambit game, on time, in 7 moves, and lost the other to a player rated 2421. 
Three of the games were by ChessCoachUA, at - in fact, he was rated 2394, 2453, 2519, 2530, 2514 and 2459 on the site, for 6 Jeromes. Alas, ChessCoachUA's account was listed as "closed", when I tried to check up on him.
Concerning the FICS computer account BlackDemon, I went to the online FICS games database, and found only 2 Jerome Gambits that it played with White, both in TheDatabase, one where the computer was "only" rated 2347 on the site. As a silicon beast, it couldn't be a grandmaster "in real life", anyhow.

I could not find a Topper76, at or elsewhere. Of course, those Jerome Gambit games were from 8 years ago, so the player may have moved on.

The ChessCoachUA story is a bit more complicated, and I had slipped up in my response to Cliff, above. The Database has 2 games by ChessCoachUA, as well as 2 games by ChessCoach_UA, and 4 games by ChessCoach1985. All of the players have accounts listed as "closed", so it was not possible to do the kind of research that Cliff Hardy did with PArnaudov (above), to see if we were dealing with a GM in real life.

I tried, though.

I could find nothing on ChessCoach1985.

On the other hand, ChessCoach_UA, could well be Vasily Burishin, of Kiev, Ukraine. I could not find an FIDE rating.

I did find a ChessCoachUA at - Alexey Pugach, of Dnepr, Ukraine, whose FIDE Chess Profile lists his rating as 1985. Of course I messaged him.

So - the search to find a human GM (FIDE rating, not online site rating) has not (yet) been successful.

[to be continued]

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