Saturday, October 3, 2020

Jerome Gambit: e-file, Friend and Foe

The e-file often opens in the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+), becoming an avenue of attack for White - or counter-attack for Black.

The following game is a short win for White. Had his opponent been more aware of the dangers of the e-file, however, things might have turned out differently.

Since White is probably going to play the Jerome again, he will most certainly figure things out. However, his next opponent is likely to be unfamiliar with the Jerome - and there the lesson of the dangers of the e-file may appear.

Toby - Mouad

45 20,, 2020

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ g6 

Black's last move could be the start of a couple of dangerous defenses - Blackburne's and Whistler's - or it could be a knee jerk reaction to White's Queen's check.

7.Qxe5 Nf6 

Protecting his Rook from attack, but both of the previously mentioned defenses are based on offering the Rook.


Simply recovering the second sacrificed piece.

In a recent game, White tried, instead, 8.d4 and was rewarded by 8...Re8 and a return to main lines, 9.Qxc5 d6 10.Qg5 Qe7 11.O-O Qxe4 12.c3 Qe1 13.Na3 Re2 14.Bf4 Qxf2+ 15. Rxf2 Ne4 16.Qd5+ Be6 17.Rxe2 Bxd5 18.Rae1 Be6 19.Rxe4 d5 20.Rxe6 Re8 21.R6e5 Rd8 22.Re7+ Kf8 23.Bxc7 Rc8 24.Nb5 a6 25.Na7 Ra8 26.Bb6 Black resigned, ABabyWipe - mvermeersch, 3 2 blitz,, 2020.


Kicking the Queen is a natural response, but Black could have, instead, played 8...Nxe4 because 9.Qd5+ Kg7 10.Qxe4 would fail to 10...Re8, winning the Queen. Remember "Jerome Gambit: Beware the e-file".


A Queen retreat was seen recently 9.Qe3 Re8 10.d3 d5 11.f3 dxe4 12.fxe4 Bg4 13.O-O Kg7 14.b3 Qd7 15.Bb2 Re6 16.Nc3 Kg8 17.Rxf6 Rxf6 18.Nd5 Rd6 19.Qd4 Kf7 20.Rf1+ Ke6 21.Qf6 checkmate, angelcamina - miz82, 1 0 bullet,, 2020.


A King side-step was seen recently 9...Ke7 10.Qe2 Bg4 11.d3 Bxe2 12.Kxe2 Ke8 13.Bg5 Qe7 14.f3 Qf7 15.Rf1 Rb8 16.Be3 b6 17.a4 c6 18.Nc3 b5 19.axb5 cxb5 20.Rxa7 Qe6 21.b4 Rc8 22.Nxb5 Rb8 23.Nc7+ Ke7 24.Nxe6+ Kxe6 25.c3 Rhg8 26.d4 g5 27.d5+ Ke5 28.Bd4+ Kf4 29.g3 checkmate, greek_Magnus - Taxiarchis, 3 0 blitz,, 2020. 

10.Qc3 Qd7 


Fearless. Risky. The e-file. Castling is the remedy.

11...dxe5 12.Qxe5 Qd5 

Black offers to exchange Queens, but the way to safety was via aggression: 12...Bc4, opening the e-file while preventing castling.

13.Qxc7+ Qd7 

14.Qxd7+ Bxd7 15.O-O Ne4 

White is 3 pawns up. Black's better development is not sufficient compensation.

16.d3 Nc5 17.Be3 Bf5 

A slip, allowing Black to lose quickly, instead of simply being ground down. 

18.Bxc5 Black resigned

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