Tuesday, October 6, 2020



JG, the New Type of Game & of Composition: the Requirements to Win 


This my chess research work including my game of a new type (I have played it as White) against the very strong level (“25 ply”) of the famous chess engine ‘Komodo 10’ (any other engine or person could be my 1st opponent instead of it) isn’t only for experts of Jerome Gambit (JG) theory. But it is based on “a strong theory of this theoretically weak gambit”. 

I invented requirements for this game (the attractive limits for a usual game) and asked my dear friend Rick Kennedy (who has ‘Komodo 10’ and who agreed kindly to be its operator here) to submit ‘Komodo 10’ as Black to them. They are here (the term ‘a very strong move’ is about chess theory which knows no requirements): 


1. The game starts from the initial position of the Giuoco Piano (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5), where White makes an incorrect sacrifice of a piece by the 4th move. 

2. During the whole opening stage (WOS) Black makes very strong moves only. 

3. During WOS Black chooses the very strong move only, which makes Black’s material advantage maximum, can’t get a Black’s piece without an effective protection at once or as a result of a forced sequence of moves, and can’t make it beaten this moment.  

4. After the end of WOS Black accepts White’s 1st sacrifice. 


The points 1-3 create no problem for Black using a theory. This game of a new type has had the following moves (Rick substituted engine’s move 12…Bd4-+: among all possible 12th moves only 12…Bxb4?? doesn’t break above sum of requirements unknown to engines): 


Bukayev Yury  -  ‘Komodo 10’ [“25 ply”] (by correspondence, 2020)  


1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ke6 (6…Kf8 etc. break the point 3) 7.Qf5+ Kd6 8.f4 Qh4+ (8Nc6 etc. break the point 3) 9.g3 Qf6 (9Nf3+ 10.KfQh6 and 10…Ne7 11.e5+ Kc6 12.Qe4+ d5 break the point 3) 10.fxe5+ Qxe5 11.Qxe5+ Kxe5 (the opening stage finished) 12.b4 Bxb4 13.Bb2+ Kxe4 14.Bxg7, and White won. In accordance with above points there were only four alternatives for Black during this game: 8…Qf6(1), 8…Qh4+ 9.g3 Qe7(2), 8…Qe7(3), 8…Qe8(4)White wins analogously here. The move 8…Bd4 isn’t an effective protection of the Knight: 9.fxe5+ Bxe5?? 10.d4 Bf6 11.e5+, so it breaks the point 3.  


In a usual chess game the 12th Black’s move of the above game (and the same move in the analogous position of the above 1st alternative for Black) formed the position of the Bona Fide Master Attack as a result of a rearrangement of moves (see my analyses published 24.08.2020 on Rick’s blog on JG etc.). It can be added, this position and the analogous 1st alternative became more known to the world due to GM Hikaru Nakamura’s blitz checkmate win over GM Dmitrij Kollars on chess.com (28.08.2020) reflected in popularizing analytical videos by Mr. Nakamura (FIDE Blitz Rank #1): ‘The Jerome is Over Powered Actually’, ‘Honor The Jerome!! <…>’ (with IM Levy Rozman) etc., which were published during a month. Mr. Kollars saw this trap in time and played 12…Bd4, his mistakes were among his further moves only.   

Of course, I have calculated all necessary sequences of moves before the beginning of my game against ‘Komodo 10’, and I couldn’t win only in the case of my making of a wrong move.  

Finally, this my game of a new type created my invention of the related chess composition (chess problem) of a new type. Thus, its position for solving is the initial position of the Giuoco Piano, and its question is: “What is the incorrect sacrifice by White’s next move, which can lead to White’s win if Black is submitted to the following requirements: <…[the above requirements no.2-4 – Yury Bukayev]…>?”     


© 2020 Yury V. Bukayev (Copyright © Bukayev Yury Vyacheslavovich 2020). All rights reserved.  

[A legal using is permitted.]  

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