Monday, November 23, 2020

The Brutal Jerome Gambit

I just finished visiting, where I watched the video "The brutal Jerome Gambit (And how to destroy it!)"

Stjepan Tomić does a good job of analyzing the Jerome. I encourage Readers to take a close look. It is important for Defenders to know what they will be facing, and it is important for Attackers to know what they might come up against.

Is the video wrong? No.

But, you can see Tomić's appreciation of the Jerome

The Jerome gambit is absolutely mad and completely unsound, but... It creates such confusion in black’s position and it can end games in a matter of moves. Black goes a ton of material up but is at risk of getting mated straight away.

He rightly places White's chances as best in games with quick time controls

...blitz where you don’t have time to calculate and one mistake could cost you the game. The engine will win every time and if you have an hour on the clock you will win every time as well

But if you don't have that much time on the clock... 

Also, when Tomić recommends a line for Black, ahead of some other ideas, he explains how White can play against those second-best choices. Nice. 

Check it out.

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