Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jerome Gambit: It's Also About Attitude


The Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) is about many things: sacrifice, attack, surprise, discovery, courage, foolishness... but most of all, attitude.

If you are going to play an opening which has several refutations, and which is regarded by some players as "garbage" - and you expect to win - you are going to have to have the right attitude.

Part Bashi-Bazouk, part standup comedian, part psychologist.

Ben_S_Chess has just released a YouTube video, "How To Destroy Black in 3 Minutes | The Jerome Gambit" that provides an introduction to the basic lines of play in the Jerome, as well as the proper attitude to help you play the game.

It's a bit irreverent, but that's the whole point. If you can't laugh, you probably shouldn't be playing the Jerome Gambit, anyhow.

Check it out.  

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