Friday, January 1, 2021

Jerome Gambit: Say "Hello" to My Little Friends (Part 1)

The following Jerome Gambit was my first complete game finished in the ongoing "Piano Piano" tournament at With the help of my "Jerome pawns" I was able to construct an attack which led to checkmate - not without a good bit of stumbling along the way.

I have included a number of links to other games, with more analysis.

perrypawnpusher - sincondrosis

3 d/move "Piano Piano" tournament,, 2020

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ng6 

I was comfortable facing this line. The Database shows 132 of my games, with me scoring 80%. For the record, I have 48 games against 6...g6, scoring 89%; 84 games against 6...Ke6, scoring 86%; and 38 games against 6...Kf8, scoring 80%.

As they say, Your mileage may vary.

7.Qd5+ Ke8 8.Qxc5 d6 9.Qe3 Nf6 

I know that Bill Wall has experimented with placing his Queen at c3 and other locations, but I am most comfortable keeping Her Majesty in touch with my Kingside. That said, I am aware of the dangers that may develop along an e-file which has both a Queen and a King on it, so I am careful to castle quickly.


After the game, Stockfish 11 suggested the novelty 10.h4!? As far as I am concerned, the move will remain an unplayed novelty until one of our Readers tries it out - the idea is one more example of how the computer doesn't "get" the Jerome Gambit.

10...Kf7 11.f4 Re8 12.f5 

A while back I posted a couple of games with 12.Qb3+ instead, disrupting Black's plans to castle-by-hand - see "Jerome Gambit: Enthusiast". Given how my game goes, I probably should have paid closer attention.

12...Ne5 13.d4 

Joining in the fun, after the game Stockfish 11 suggested 13.Qb3+. I was interested in kicking Black's Knight, instead. I especially wanted to encourage the steed to harass my Queen.

13...Neg4 14.Qb3+ 

Truth be told, I have played this historical move several times before: 

perrypawnpusher - BunnyWarrior, "Giuoco Piano" thematic tournament,, 2016 (1-0, 20);

perrypawnpusher - TobiasBrunner "Let's Play the Italian Game" tournaent,, 2018 (1-0, 32 ); and

perrypawnpusher- warwar, "The Italian Battleground" tournament,, 2018 (1-0, 39)

14...Kf8 15.h3 Nh6 

Instead, 15...Rxe4 was seen in the game Vazquez - Carrington, 2nd match, Mexico, 1876. Although the U.S. player was outplayed in both of his matches against the Mexican champion, his move here was probably a bit better than the Knight retreat.

16.Bxh6 gxh6 17.Nd2 


This is an interesting alternative to 17...Nxe4, which I faced previously in the three games mentioned above.


On revient toujours a son premier amour. 


The game is in balance. White has two pawns for his sacrificed piece. Black is building pressure with his pieces on the pawn center. White has hopes for a Kingside attack before things get out of hand.

[to be continued]

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