Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Honourable Jerome Gambit

Last year Andrew Smith, ThePawnSlayer at asked those at that site 

"What is your favorite chess gambit opening?" 

He received 377 votes, and after counting up the votes he revealed 

"The Top 10 Most Popular Chess Gambits!"

 Now, I was not expecting the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) to score in the Top 10, especially given that

 Number 1 was the Queen's Gambit 

(I suspect Beth Harmon had a hand in that)

but I have to point out that the first "Honourable mention" mentioned was the Jerome Gambit - with a shocking 7 votes.

Smith gave credit to Canadian GM Aman Hambleton's video on the Jerome saying

"The video is truly hilarious"

(I agree) 

He also presented the game NN - Joseph H. Blackburne, casual game, London [1884]  to illustrate "this funny looking gambit".

To borrow from P.T. Barnum, George M. Cohan, W. C. Fields, Will Rogers,  Harry S Truman, Mark Twain, Mae West, Oscar Wilde, and likely a cast of others,   

I don't care what they print about the Jerome Gambit, as long as they spell its name right. 

Jerome would have wanted it that way. 

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