Monday, March 22, 2021

Dzeromov Gambit

There is an old, but, sadly, true joke that goes this way

Question: If someone who speaks 3 languages is called trilingual, and someone who speaks 2 languages is called bilingual, what is someone who speaks 1 language called?

Answer: Someone from the United States

Truth is my junior high school / high school / college French language skills have atrophied, to the point where I do speak French like a Spanish cow.

Also, my American Sign Language skills have rusted to the point of manual mumbling.

So it is a bit unnerving - but hardly surprising - to wander back a half-dozen years in this blog and find a post where I was perplexed at a foreign (to me) language video analyzing the Jerome Gambit game Amateur - Blackburne, London, 1884 that referred to the "Zeromov Gambit". Who was Zeromov and what was that all about?

Unfortunately, the link from my post to that video no longer works, so I can not re-view it - but I think it might be this one.

The other day, however, I discovered an interesting video by Laufer on YouTube that explored the Jerome Gambit. It was titled "Dzeromov gambit - Super agresivno otvaranj". 

No excitement this time, I simply asked Google to translate for me, and of course it provided "Jerome's Gambit - Super Aggressive Opening".

Like they say, Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

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