Friday, March 19, 2021

Jerome Gambit: Piano Piano Update Update Update


Although there are still games to be completed in Round 1 of the "Piano Piano" tournament, it is possible to identify almost all of the players from each group that will move on to Round 2.

As the starting position will again be 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5, I will continue to have my opportunities to play the Jerome Gambit.


Group 1

TheSadKnight1, jan-por, YellowRam

Group 2

Crazyswimmerman, Kyleriz, Black_Bull

Group 3

thejamch, Alfil_7, Escaqueitor

Group 4

jjdd57, acasimon1987

     Either vs33 or uhuru

Group 5

schoollibrarian, Kugich, MickeyDelaware

Group 6

perrypawnpusher, ZlikoM1, PasayDefence

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