Thursday, April 1, 2021

Jerome Gambit: Sometimes Enlightenment Does Not Come (Part 2)


[continued from the previous post]

perrypawnpusher - DaniyarManat

1 day/move,, 2021

I suddenly realized that my d-pawn was pinned, and that Black could grab my Knight with 15...Qxe5. But - he didn't! 

What had I missed? What had he missed?

Although it was too late - a bad habit, mulling over missed moves while the game is still in session, but I at least had the benefit of the time control being a day per move - I was able to reassure myself that 15...Qxe5 could have been met by 16.f6!?, threatening to deliver checkmate, capture the Knight on e7, or advance the pawn to f7 with a fork of the enemy King and Rook.  After 16...Ng6 17. f7+ Kh8 18.fxe8=Q+ Rxe8 I would have been up the exchange and a pawn.

I was not sure if my opponent had missed 15...Qxe5 like I had, or if he saw the move and its repercussions and so avoided it. After the game was finished, I checked and Stockfish 13's recommendation was that 15...Qxe5. Sigh.


Completing his development and putting further pressure on the White pawn center.

I was agog after the game to see that the computer evaluated me at this point as being more than a Queen ahead. This was somewhat explained by its recommendation 16.Kh1 (breaking the pin) Kf8 (huh?) 17.Bg5 Ng8 (huh?) 18.Bxf6 Nxf6. I would have thought Black's best after 16.Kh1 was 16...Bxd4 17.cxd4 Rxd4, being only a piece down, but Stockfish 13 disagrees and suggested a very elaborate series of moves, some of them threats to the Queen, that are hard to fathom.


Breaking the pin on the d-pawn. This much I still understand.


I had expected 16...Rf8, and was not really sure how to respond. Let me get back to you on that...

In the meantime, the text move and the next give the opportunity for some tempo moves. 

17.Nc4 Rd7 18.e5 Qf8 19.f6 Black resigned

The Rook on d7 is threatened, along with the Knight at e7. 19...Rd5 would fall to the 20.f7+ fork and subsequent promotion.

I think my opponent played well in this game, except for his slip on move 12. I would give more feedback, but the play was rather complicated, and the insights of my silicon analyst helper were too much over my head. 

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