Saturday, June 22, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Even Gambit Players Have to Play Endgames (Part 2)


[continued from the previous post]

perrypawnpusher - accattone444

Jerome Gambit Classic #1,, 2024


Instead, 19...Bxf2 20.Kxf2 would be too cooperative.

20.Bd4+ Kg8 

It wasn't necessary for the King to go backwards. Just fine (and safe) would have been 20...Kf7. 


The computer was more excited about 21.Ne4 Bxe4 22.dxe4 d5 23.c3 Bf8 24.exd5 Rd8 25.c4 c6 26.Ke2 cxd5 27.cxd5 Rxd5 28.Bxa7 Ra5 29.Bd4 Rxa2 30.Rc1 with a clear advantage for White.


Quo vadis? 

22.Bxc5 dxc5 

23.Re1 Rxe1 24.Kxe1 Kf7 

Black hopes an active King and the minor exchange will be enough to counter White's extra pawn 

25.Ne4 b6 26.Ng5+ Kf6 27.Nxh7+ Kf5 


Giving the Knight a safe outpost to retreat to. Also advancing his Kingside pawn majority.

28...Be8 29. Ng5 Ba4 30. b3 Bd7 

After a feint on the Kingside, the players resolve some of the issues on the Queenside.

31.Kf2 a5 32.g4+ Ke5 33.Ke3 a4 34.c3 Be8 35.c4 b5 36.bxa4 bxc4 37.dxc4 Bxa4 

38.Ne4 Be8 39.Nxc5 Bf7 40.Nd3+ Kd6 41.Kd4  

Make haste slowly, said the emperor Agustus.

41...Bg8 42. h5 gxh5 43.gxh5 Bh7 

There are too many passed pawns to blockade.

44.a4 Black resigned

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