Friday, June 14, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Huh?

I remember an old story about a couple of guys seated next to each other in a movie theater, watching a horse race. At a particularly exciting moment on the screen, one of the guys turns to the other, and bets him $20 that a particular horse will win. Alas, his horse runs well, but loses by a nose, so he pays.

The second guy hands back the $20, saying that it wasn't fair, he had already seen the movie, so he knew that the other guy's horse didn't win.

"I have seen the movie 5 times," said the first guy. "This time, I thought he would make it." 

Somehow, the following game reminds me of that story.

It is a bullet game, mind you.

feritTurkey - esadase13

2 1 bullet,, 2023

1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3.Bxf7+ 

The Abrahams / Polerio Jerome Gambit.

3...Kxf7 4.Qh5+ g6 5.Qxe5 Bxf2+ 

This is a tactic familiar to Jerome Gambit players: Black gives up his attacked Bishop as part of a plan to save his attacked Rook. It is a good idea - Black's problems stem from his earlier 4...g6, instead of the more prudent 4...Kf8.

6.Kxf2 Nf6 7.Nf3 

Uh, oh, what move has White overlooked? It is 2 minute bullet chess, remember.


Missed it, too.

8.Ng5+ Kg7 9.Qc3 Kh6 

Uh, oh, now it's Black's turn to overlook something. 


Missed it, too.

10...Ng4+ 11.Ke1 Nc6 

Not again...

12.Nf7+ Black resigned

Third time's a charm.

I continue to be amazed - and deeply impressed - by those who play the Jerome Gambit under a bullet time control... are you listening, angelcamina?

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