Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Seven Moves!

The other day I wandered, via YouTube, onto the site of HokieJoe17, who had a Jerome Gambit video - and so much more.

Some of his 116 videos cover different opening gambits, as he pursues his "Holy Gambit Grail".

What is that, you say? I will let him explain

The Holy Gambit Grail is a challenge by @vampirechicken that I have decided to take on myself!! All credit to Jonathan Schrantz!! 
1. Games must be played on stream 
2. Games must be played in the pool (ie. not against viewers that agree to allow the gambit) against players reasonably close in rating 
3. Games can only be submitted if you're the side that gambits material 
4. Any time control acceptable 
5. Anyone can complete this epic grail quest on any website but original credit for this brilliant idea belongs to Jonathan Schrantz 
6. NO CHEATING There are 766 recognized gambits Streamed at

Indeed, he has videos of himself playing

1. Elephant Gambit

2. Ross Gambit

3. Englund Gambit

4. Gibbins-Wiedenhagen Gambit

5. Wing Gambit

6. Smith-Morra Gambit

7. Latvian Gambit

8. Benko Gambit

9. Duras Gambit

10. Jerome Gambit

11. Salvio Countergambit

12. Schlecter Gambit

13. Tennison Gambit

14. Hobbs Gambit

 Ah, yes, back to the Jerome Gambit.

This is a fun gambit, but not highly recommended if you're trying to gain rating

Fair enough, but he was totally unprepared for his own Jerome Gambit experience

HokieJoe17 - JVenglarcik

5 0 blitz, YouTube, 2023

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Kf6 7.Qf5+ 

Black resigned

And that was that.

HokieJoe17 was quite pleased - elated- at the quick win. Ten seconds off his clock.

 He spent some time analyzing the game, convincing himself, that the Jerome Gambit, of course, "It's the worst gambit".

But, it was too late - he had already won.

Readers should visit HokieJoe17's site, and enjoy his videos. There is a whole lot of entertainment - and education - contained.

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