Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The next best thing...

A few posts ago (see "London calling... Seven Months of Blog") I asked readers to suggest "another totally obscure and disreputable tactical opening line or gambit that I could go digging for information about, while I'm researching the Jerome Gambit."

Jerome Gambit Gemeinde member Pete Banks ("blackburne"), in a Comment, suggested 1.h4, a move with which he has had some success, following his own idea of 2. g3, 3.Nh3, 4.Bg2, and 5.0-0.

So I did a little research.

Althought Tim Harding, in his Dynamic White Openings (1989), calls 1.h4 "The most despised of openings, not even worthy of a name," it has sometimes been called the Deprès Opening, according the Oxford Companion to Chess (1984).

More often, though, 1.h4 goes by the name of the Kadas Opening. Eric Schiller, in his Unorthodox Chess Openings (1998, 2002), writes

The Hungarian player Kadas has the dubious distinction of being perhaps the greatest living exponent of 1.h4, a move even Myers, a true fan of bizarre openings, considers poor.

He is referring to Hugh E. Myers, who in his Exploring the Chess Openings (1978) had this to say

If there were an election for the worst possible first move, 1.P-KR4 would have excellent winning chances.

Grandmaster Bent Larsen, in the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings, Volume A (1979), gave "1.h4? e5 =/+"

So Kadas' Opening would seem to meet the criteria set above for "disreputable" – even if it receives more complete and respectful treatment in Stefan Bücker's Groteske Schacheröffnungen (1990).

Do readers have other suggestions?


  1. The only problem is that it's not particularly tactical. Or at least, I haven't found a way to sac anything in the opening yet!

  2. Pete,

    Sometimes you have to get in a few moves - here's a game by THE Gabor Kadas of Hungary, to give you ideas.

    Kadas,G - Arkhipov,S
    HUN-ch op Kecskemet, 11.08.1983

    1.h4 d5 2.d4 c5 3.Nf3 cxd4 4.c3 dxc3 5.e4 dxe4 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 7.Ng5 cxb2 8.Bxb2 Nh6 9.Nc3 f6 10.0-0-0+ Ke8 11.Nd5 1-0

    It's a shame the guy doesn't play the Jerome!

