Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chandler Cornered and the Blackburne Shilling Gambit

If you are not visiting Geoff Chandler's Chandler Cornered website on a regular basis, then you are taking life and chess way too seriously.* Follow the link above, or the link that this blog provides, and go visit Geoff as soon as you can. (I won't mind if you leave this post and go there. Really.)

Recently, Geoff posted on the Blackburne Shilling Gambit – here and here  typical great stuff. Check it out. You'll leave smiling. 

* a few of my posts that point out his good senses of chess and humor are"Mars Attacks!", "Queened! and Rooked!", "Whodunnit??", "Blunder Table" and "Hitler vs Lenin in Chess".

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