Saturday, December 24, 2011

An Early Christmas Present

I was thumbing through the awesome-looking and greatly-titled 1.d4 – Beat the Guerrillas! A Powerful Repertoire Against Annoying Black Sidelines by Valeri Bronznik when my eyes were drawn to his chapter on the Marshall Defense to 1.d4, that is 1...d5 2.c4 Nf6.

I always get a smile when a "real" chess writer (especially a professional, titled player) makes reference to one of my games (it has happened in Blackmar Diemer Gambit and Latvian Gambit books) or some of my analysis.

His favorable reference to my article "Alexander Alekhine and Marshall’s 1 d4 d5 2 c4 Nf6!?" in Kaissiber #27 (it appeared in both the German language and Italian language editions; and later on in English, online) was an early Christmas present for me.

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