Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Almost There

Four games remain to be finished in the current Chess.com Italian Game thematic tournament. From seven groups of five players each, fifteen will advance, likely to form three subsequent groups of five.

With a 6-2 record, I am sitting on the top of Group #6. djdave28 will advance along with me, joining Hywel2, deckers1066, beftahk (top rated at 2036, having scored 8-0 in the first round), alexmoore421, Reinlynx, nissk, ashutoschess (lowest rated at 1279, but having scored 8-0 in the first round), ChessTitan249, Zeddicus16, Rebecca_Wiebe, ermeel, MatthiasBerger; and either smitty67 or mathiaserdhal.

More Jerome Gambits are promised!

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