[continued from the previous post]
ZahariSokolov - GizmoClass
FICS, 2019
If you are attacking, and you slip up, you might be down some material. If you are defending, and you slip up, you might be down your King. Keep this bit of wisdom in mind, as the game progresses.
Black senses he has time to strike back, not only defend. He misses a couple of points.
First, White still has the threat of 20.Bb4, skewering Black's Queen and winning the Knight on e7; that was why 19...a5, covering the b4 square, instead of the text, was essential.
Second, White's last move contains the threat Qxb5 checkmate, if Black should ever move his Queen away from protecting the pawn at b5 - making 20.Be3, pinning and winning the Queen, a grave danger. (If 20...d4, then 21.Bxd4.)
Saving the Rook, but missing the winning move just mentioned.
The game now has the feel of time pressure about it.
Continuing to overlook the main threat, as does his opponent.
21.exd5 Bxf3+ 22.Kc1 Bxd5 23.c4
Dizzying. White did not have 23.Be3 at his disposal, instead of the text, because of 23...Qxe3+ 24.Rxe3 Bxb3 25.Rxe7 Rae8 26.Rxe8 Rxe8 27.Ke2 Bf7, and Black would have a piece for a pawn.
Not appreciating the fact that White's last pawn move restored a major threat. Better was 23...Kb7, tip-toeing away from the Bishop pin, and, after 24.Re5 Rhd8, maintaining a roughly balanced game.
24.Bxc4 25. Bxc5+ Kxc5 26. dxc4 b4 27. Qe3+ Black resigned
Quite a battle!
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