Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Jerome Gambit: Ever Onward

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The third round of Chess.com's "Italian game Battlegrounds" tournament has started, and I find myself in Group 2 - which consists of me and andrewLLL.

As always, I was fully prepared to place my chances for success in the hands of the Jerome Gambit, but a review of my opponent's recent games suggests that he much preferred 3...Nf6, the Two Knights Defense, to 3...Bc5, which would limit my Jerome options.

So, after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6, I crossed my fingers and played 4.Nc3, fully expecting 4...Nxe4, when I was resigned to returning to last year's site of grave strugggle with the Noa Gambit against RemoveKubab1 with 5.Bxf7+.

However, perhaps andrewLLL got a hint of the won game looming before him, and played, instead, 4...Bc5, allowing me to move the game into the Italian Four Knights Jerome Gambit with 5.Bxf7+.

The Database shows that I have played this line in 60 games, scoring 74%, but you never know when it comes to "refuted" openings, do you? 

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