Sunday, February 21, 2021

Jerome Gambit: Piano Piano Update Update & More


I have finished my double round robin play in Round 1, in 10-player Group 6, in the "Piano Piano" tournament.

With 15.5 points, that is enough to take first place for my group, for this round.

The Jerome Gambit accounted for my one draw, and one of my two losses. The Black pieces were responsible for my other loss. Good fortune and more than a little luck were in large part responsible for my wins. 

There is a good chance that PasayDefence, ZlikoM and Bossferreira will each finish with 14 points. Tie break points will be important in deciding who will advance to Round 2. 

Elsewhere, having successfully defended with Whistler's Defense against the Jerome Gambit in a 2-game match, I have found myself facing the Whistler and, after 30 moves, have finally caught a break. Truth be told, I shouldn't have to struggle this hard against a player rated 1,000 points below me. 

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