Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Idées Fixes et Manqués

The following game shows that I have not yet conquered the underlying ambivalence that I have for playing gambits, as mentioned in "More Than Seen At First Glance (Part 1)" and worried about elsewhere (see "Nothing Happened"): once I have "escaped" to an even position, my brain gets stuck on "play safe!" and "simplify!" I overlook many other options in play...

perrypawnpusher  - vlas
blitz, FICS, 2010

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4

The Blackburne Shilling Gambit.

4.Bxf7+ Ke7

I have met this move before (see "Jedi Mind Tricks", "Jedi Mind Tricks / Rematch", "Sith Still and Don't Move", "Never Mind" and "Platinum Mind Tricks". ), and whatever advantages it has are slight and purely psychological.

So it is embarassing to see how effective it is in this game.

In the past my opponent had captured the Bishop, with mixed results: 4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Ke8 (5...Ke7 6.Qh5 g6 7.Nxg6+ hxg6 8.Qxh8 Nxc2+ 9.Kd1 Nxa1 10.Qxg8 Qe8 11.b3 Kd8 12.Bb2 Be7 13.Qxe8+ Kxe8 14.Bxa1 d6 15.d4 Bd7 16.Nd2 Rd8 17.h4 Kf7 18.h5 gxh5 19.Rxh5 Bg4+ 20.f3 Bxh5 21.Ke2 c5 22.g3 cxd4 23.Bxd4 Bf6 24.Bxa7 Re8 25.Kd3 Bg6 26.f4 d5 White resigned, perrypawnpusher - vlas, blitz, FICS, 2009) 6.Qh5+ g6 7.Nxg6 hxg6 (7...Nxc2+ 8.Kf1 Nxa1 9.Nxh8+ Ke7 10.Qe5 checkmate, simplyknight - vlas, FICS, 2009) 8.Qxh8 Nxc2+ 9.Kd1 Nxa1 10.Qxg8 Qf6 11.Qc4 Bd6 12.f3 a6 13.Nc3 b5 14.Qd3 c5 15.Nd5 Qg5 16.g3 c4 17.Qb1 Nb3 18.axb3 cxb3 19.d4 Qh5 20.Nf6+ Black resigned, brazucanl - vlas, FICS, 2010.


White is a pawn up, and Black's King is awkwardly placed and possibly at risk.


6.d3 Bg4

This is "business as usual" and is therefore risky. Necessary was 6...Nxf3+.


A silly move, as it it highly unlikely that my opponent will blunder with his response by moving his King and allowing me to capture his Queen. He'll just block the check with his Knight.

Wait a minute! What if White plays 7.Bxg8, eliminating the interfering Knight, first, and then checks the King?


7...Nf6 8.Nbd2 h6 9.Bxf6+ gxf6 10.c3 Nxf3+ 11.Nxf3 a6

12.h3 Bh5 13.g4 Bg6 14.Nh4 Bh7 15.f4 b5 16.Bb3 exf4 17.Qf3 Kd7 18.Qxf4 Kc8 19.Rf1 Bg7

Another example of "Nothing Happened" disguised as strategic play. (White has tamed the "two Bishops" though.)

20.Nf5 Qf8

This costs another pawn. Black had to swap the Knight off with 20...Bxf5.

21.Nxg7 Qxg7 22.Qxf6 Qg6

An incomprehensible move which may have been a mouse-slip for an intended 22...Qxf6.



Swap those Queens, keep the game safe... 

The game would have been immensely safer if I had just taken the Rook on h8.

I tell you, it makes me think of "Jedi Mind Tricks" all over again...

23...Bxg6 24.Rf6 Be8 25.Kd2 Kb7 26.Raf1 Bc6 27.Rf7 a5 28.Re7 a4 29.Bc2 a3 30.b3 d5 31.Rff7 Rac8

Despite my uneven play, I have a battery on the 7th that should lead to a win.

32.e5 Be8 33.Rf6 Rd8 34.d4 h5 35.Bf5

Adequate, but too safety-minded. Releasing another "Jerome pawn" with 35.g5 Rg8 36.h4 seems more to the point. 

35...hxg4 36.Bxg4 Bh5 37.Bxh5 Rxh5 38.Rf3 Rdh8 39.Ref7

Lamely acquiescing to the loss of a pawn, which brings the game closer to a draw. Certainly stronger was 39.Rff7 Rc8 40.Rh7, keeping the h-pawn.

39...Rxh3 40.Ke3 Rh2 41.Rf2 Rh1 42.e6 Re8 43.e7 Ra1 44.Kd3 Rb1 45.Re2 Rb2

In some endgame positions this kind of a maneuver is deadly. Here, it should just lead to the exchange of Rooks and the loss of a pawn. 

46.Rf8 Rxe7

Likely an over-appreciation of his coming advanced passed a-pawn. Best was 46...Rxe2.

47.Rxe7 Rxa2 48.Rff7 Rb2

Down a Rook, a resourceful Black appears to have manufactured counterplay and perhaps a draw.

Actually, White now has a mate in 7 moves, but I could not find it. With the clock ticking, again and again I could not find the checkmate and I eventually had to fall in with vlas' plans.

49.Rxc7+ Kb6 50.Ra7

The game would end with 50.Rce7 Ka5 (50...a2 51.Re6+ Ka5 52.Ra7#; 50...Rd2+ 51.Kxd2 b4 52.Rf6 etc as in the main line) 51.Rf6 b4 52.Ra7+ Kb5 53.c4+ dxc4 54.bxc4 checkmate. 

50...a2 51.Rfb7+ Kc6 52.b4 a1Q 53.Rc7+ Kb6 54.Rcb7+ Kc6 55.Rc7+ Kb6 56.Rcb7+ Kc6

I was horrified that I had not been able to win, a Rook up; at this point I was seriously considering forcing the draw out of fear that I had actually acheived a worse position.

Part of this was time pressure, but part of this was the bad mind set induced by 4...Ke7. Strange chess psychology. Amazing! 

57.Rxa1 Kxb7

For all practical purposes, the game is drawn here.

Having embarassed myself from here to Sheboygan, however, I decided to give the game one more try.

58.Re1 Rf2 59.Re7+ Kc6 60.Re6+ Kd7

Here is the last opportunity that my opponent gave me, one I wasn't going to overlook. (I am reviewing GM Nigel Davies' 10 Great Ways to Get Better at Chess, and, not surprisingly, #2 is "Study the endgame".)

61.Rb6 Rf3+ 62.Kc2 Rf2+ 63.Kb3 Rf1 64.Rxb5 Kc6 65.Rc5+ Kd6 66.b5

The plan.

66...Rb1+ 67.Ka4 Ra1+ 68.Kb4 Rb1+ 69.Ka5 Ra1+ 70.Kb6 Rc1 71.Kb7 Re1 72.b6 Re7+ 73.Rc7

73...Re3 74.Kb8 Re8+ 75.Rc8 Re7 76.b7 Re1 77.Rd8+ Kc6 78.Kc8 Re7 79.b8Q Re8

A cute move: if now 80.Rxe8 it is stalemate.

On the other hand, 80.Qb7 is mate.

80.Qc7+ Kb5 81.Rxe8 Ka6 82.Kd7 Kb5 83.Rb8+ Ka6 84.Qb6 checkmate

Finally. Another game made much more difficult by my inability to see checkmate. I guess I know what I need to study more of.

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