Monday, October 14, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Shorter, Yet

In a recent blog post I made the offhand comment about short games

Probably my favorite line comes from one of my own games, in "Accelerated Jerome Gambit Declined"
perrypawnpusher - NN
blitz, FICS, 2013
1.e4 Black resigned

I just discovered that another one of my recent games was over before it began, before either my opponent or I had made a move.

By way of explanation, I found on the game site

On, a game is aborted when a player cancels the game before either player has made their first move... When a game is aborted, it is canceled and neither player is credited with a win or loss. Aborted games are also not recorded in the player's game history. However, some players may also abort games intentionally, especially when theyare losing or when playing against a higher ranked opponent. 

Heh. "Higher ranked opponent." I kind of like the sound of that.


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