Playing the White side of the Jerome Gambit.

So far I have a disastrous loss thanks to introducing a "Theoretical Lemon" and a fortunate win when my opponent overplayed a drawn position – both games from the same home analysis.
Then there's that 9-move win on time.
Stand back, everyone!
perrypawnpusher - Gary_Seven
JG3 thematic, 2008
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ng6 7.Qd5+ Ke8 8.Qxc5 c6 TN

Much more often played is 8...d6, bumping the White Queen back to e3.
9.Nc3 N8e7 10.0-0 d6 11.Qh5 Qc7

Things are already getting screwy for Black – Rybka recommends instead 11...Qb6 12.d3 Ng8 13.Qg5 Nf6 followed by 14.Qg3 Qc7 and castling-by-hand 15.Be3 Kf7 16.f4 Re8 17.Rae1 Kg8 after which the second player has an edge.
12.f4 Qb6+ 13.Kh1 Kd8 14.d4 Qxd4 15.Rd1 Qf2 16.f5

Now might have been a good time, instead, to return the piece for two pawns, and an even game, with 16...Bxf5.

I thought this was a pretty good move, as did my opponent, apparently. Later, my computer called it "a weak move, throwing away the advantage."

This was, according to the computer "a weak move, ruining a winning position" preferring 17...Kc7. Don't you just hate Know-It-Alls?
With the balance of power tipped however, Black's game rolls quickly downhill.
18.Bxf4 Qxf4 19.Rad1 Kc7 20.Rxd7+ Kb6 21.Rxe7 Qf2 22.Qe2 Qxe2 23.Nxe2 Rhg8 24.Rdd7 Rab8 25.Rxg7 Rge8 26.Rge7 Rg8 27.Rxh7 Rge8 28.Rhe7 Rxe7 29.Rxe7 Rd8 30.f6 Rd1+ 31.Ng1 Rd2 32.f7 Rxc2 33.f8Q Rxb2 34.Rxb7+ Kxb7 35.Qg7+ 1-0
Clip art © by Tony Martin
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