I have been having a lot of fun watching the many You Tube videos by Kaspa Chess.
Exploring different chess openings, move-by-move, the presenter follows the line of play most popular in the lichess.org database.
I thought that I would give the same approach to the Jerome Gambit, so I visited lichess.org and began entering the opening's moves.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5
It turns out that each of these moves were the top choice.
Well, this is only the 8th most popular move at lichess.org, but that's how we get the Jerome.
By the way, the database has over 800,000 Jerome Gambit games.
A full 97% of the games included this capture.
5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+
Each move was the overwhelming favorite. No surprise.
This is the top choice, 50% vs 19% for 6...Ke6. That was a bit of a surprise to me, but, I guess 6...Ke6 and 6...g6 (18%) are more committal.
Okay, I like the "nudge" 7.Qd5+ before capturing the Bishop, to displace the King to where it might interfere with the development of his Rook - but that is the second most popular choice at lichess.org.
Easily #1.
8.Qd5+ Be6 9.Qxb7
White now has 3 pawns for his sacrificed piece, but I have always labelled this line of play with a "Caution" sign.
9...Nf6 10.d3 Re8
Black's move is barely more popular than the second choice, 10...Rf8 (857 games vs 844).
11.O-O Kg8
King safety is easy to understand.
12.Bg5 h6 13.Bxf6 Qxf6 14.Qxc7 Qxb2
Pawn grabs are not just for White.
What in the world??
We are down to only 12 games in this line in the lichess.org database, after 15.Nd2, and the text is the most popular response, really - 3 games.
16.Qxc2 Black resigned
And that is how the line at lichess.org ended, along with the games mulong28 - xJO3Yx, 1 0 bullet, lichess, 2021 and hassankondri - pradhanguru1982, 5 0 blitz, lichess.org, 2022