This is not a Jerome Gambit variation, but it will happen often enough in your games that it is worth having an answer to it on hand. 4.Bxf7+ Of course, 4.Nxe5 is just fine, too. The text is the answer, though, if you were planning on playing the Jerome. 4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Ke6 6.d4 d6
7.Qg4+ This is the right way to proceed. 7...Ke7 8.Bg5+ This move looks stronger than it is, however. Best is 8.Qg5+ Nf6 9.Nf3 Nc6 10.e5 dxe5 11.dxe5 Kf7 12.exf6 Qxf6 with a pawn advantage for White. 8...Nf6
9.Bxf6+ White goes ahead with his plan, but there is a bug in it. Best play, instead, leads to an unclear position, and, possibly, a draw by repetition. White should try 9.Qf3, getting his Queen out of the line of fire while focusing more attention on the Knight at f6. In turn, Black has 9...dxe5 10.dxe5 Kf7 11.exf6 gxf6 when White has his Jerome-traditional two pawns for a sacrificed piece. It is here that Houdini suggests 12.Nc3!? with wild play after 12...Kg7 (or 12...Rg8 13.Rd1 Bd6 14.Qh5+ Rg6 15.Qxh7+ Rg7 16.Qh5+ Rg6 drawing) 13.Nd5 fxg5 14.O-O-O!?.
analysis diagram Houdini and Stockfish see the position as equal, largely because White - two pieces down - can still work out a draw by repetition. All in all, it might be better to remember 8.Qg5+. 9...gxf6 10.Qh4
We can see that there is now too much going on for White to be able to take care of all of it. 10...Ke8 But Black is still under his opponent's spell! After 10...dxe5 11.dxe5 Bg7) White does not have enough for his two sacrificed pieces. 11.Qh5+ Ke7 12.Qf7 checkmate
The Jerome Gambit player knows that there may be few - maybe one - chances to steer the game out of its "pre-ordained" path to "0-1" and so must be ready for opportunities as they arise. A primary way of creating an opportunity is to complicate play - and hope for the best. fehim - GibletGrey blitz, FICS, 2013 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+
4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ng6 7.Qd5+ Whenever I see this "nudge" I suspect the player is familiar with the Jerome Gambit - and, perhaps, this blog. 7...Ke8 8.Qxc5 Nf6 9.d3 d6 10.Qb4
13.Bg5 13.b4!? is an interesting suggestion of Houdini, for example 13...d5 (13...cxb4 14.Qxb4) 14.bxc5 dxe4 15.Re1 Rc8 16.Qb3 Rxc5 17.Nc3 Bd5 18.Nxd5 Qxd5 19.dxe4 Qxb3 20.axb3 a5 21.c4 Kf7 when Black still holds the advantage of a piece vs two pawns. 13...h6 14.Be3 Qd7 15.Nd2 Rf8 16.f4 Qg4
This looks aggressive, but Black might have done better with the center push 16...d5. 17.h3 It might be the time for the thematic pawn push 17.f5, leading to a balanced game. White has a different move, and a pawn break, in mind. 17...Qh5 18.Nf3 Nh4 19.Nxh4 Qxh4 20.e5
White hopes to stir things up. 20...Qg3 21.Rf2 Qxe3 Black is happy to exchange pieces, and avoid further complications, but here he had the winning move 21...Nd5 available. Missing that shot, things turn bad. 22.exf6 Qd4 23.Re1+ Kd7 The King would have been happier at d8, as we will see. 24.fxg7 This move is okay, but more refined would be 24.Re7+ Kc6 25.Qxd4 cxd4 26.fxg7. 24...Qxc3
Now if White simply recaptures the Queen, Black has time for 25...Rf7 and can be happy with his piece vs 2 pawns advantage. 25.gxf8N+ Nice underpromotion. 25...Kc6 26.bxc3 Rxf8 27.d4 Kb5
Black's active King does not compensate for the lost exchange and White's two extra pawns. 28.a4+ Kc4 29.dxc5 dxc5 30.Re7 Bc6 31.Rxa7 Kxc3 32.a5 bxa5 33.Rxa5 c4 34.Ra6 Be4 35.Rxh6 Bxc2
As I posted before, "The Jerome Gambit Is Going To Drive Me..." (Part 1 and Part 2).
It has been 2 1/2 months and I have heard nothing further from Fat Lady of the online site TimeForChess (also known as RedHotPawn) about the supposed Alekhine Jerome Gambit game...
I will let Readers know if anything ever turns up, but it looks like for now this game will have to join the pile of Jerome Gambit "urban legends", such as the book All or Nothing! The Jerome Gambit by Chaim Schmendrik. By the way, did you hear the one about Grandmaster Larry Christiansen playing the Jerome Gambit at the Internet Chess Club...? [August 2014 was the 4th most-visited month in the history of this blog - starting in 2008. All four of those top months are within the last year, too - add May 2014, December 2013, November 2013 - showing increasing interest. To our Readers - many thanks - Rick]
Okay, this is a sort of "Accelerated Semi-Italian Jerome Gambit" kind of thing. The Database has 1,739 examples; and White scores 40% - nothing majestic, but about on par for what happens in a large sample of Jerome Gambit games. 4...Kxf7 5.c3 d6 6.Qb3+ Be6 7.c4 Na5 8.Qb5 b6 9.d3 Now follows some foreshadowing. 9...Bd7 10.Qd5+ Be6 11.Qb5 Ke7 12.0-0 Bd7
Well over 100 moves have been made, and we're back to the same position. Of course, we have been there so many times, either player could have claimed a draw by repetition. In fact, a draw according to the "50 move rule" could also have been claimed. Now White varies, claiming his disadvantage and eventually losing. 121.Qb4 Ke8 122.d4 exd4 123.Nxd4 Nc6 124.Nxc6 Bxc6 125.Re1 Nf6 126.e5 dxe5 127.Rxe5+ Kd7 128.Qd2+ Bd6 129.b3 Kc8 130.Re2 Kb7 131.Nc3 Qf8