The first round of the Jerome Gambit thematic tournament at is almost complete. One game remains in motion, an endgame where Black has B+N+5p and White has 5p. Assuming that Black is able to convert his advantage to a win, the following players will advance to the second round;
SeinfeldFan91 won all 6 of his games, and will advance from Group 1. procyk and rigidwith fear each won 5 of their games, and both will advance from Group 2. kristjan, with 5 wins, will advance from Group 3. junnujannu, with 5 wins, will advance from Group 4. It is pleasant to note that all players (except one who forfeited all games) in the first round were able to score at least 1 point. Expect more fighting chess in Round Two!
If you are aware of your opponent's plan, it is always a temptation to refuse to go along with it. The following game is an example, however, where this ploy fails - fairly quickly. Wall, Bill - Guest2877685, 2015 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Ke7
The Jerome Gambit Declined. The Database has 42 games with this position, with White scoring 72%. The more popular way of declining the piece is 4...Kf8. The Database has 271 games with this line, with White scoring a more modest 55%. Still, it is important to point out that The Database has 12,603 games with the capture 4...Kxf7 with White scoring 44%. Black, take the Bishop. We are looking at a Bill Wall game, however, so it is relevant to note that he has scored 91% with White in the Jerome Gambit accepted lines, as opposed to 100% with White against the Jerome Gambit declined 4...Ke7 and 4...Kf8. 5.Bxg8 Rxg8 6.d4 Black resigned
White threatens Black's Bishop on c5, as well as the skewer 7.Bg5+ threatening to win the enemy Queen. Instead of ending at this point, drewbear - AAlekhine, Jerome Gambit Thematic Tournament, 2007 continued: 6...h6 7.dxc5 d6 8.cxd6+ cxd6 9.h3 Kd7 10.a3 Kc7 11.b4 Rf8 12.b5 Na5 13.Qd2 Kb8 14.Bb2 Nc4 15.Qc3 Nxb2 16.Qxb2 Qa5+ 17.Nc3 Bd7 18.O-O a6 19.bxa6 Rxa6 20.Rab1 b6 21.Nd5 Bb5 22. Rfc1 Ka7 23. Nc7 g5 24.Nxb5+ Kb8 25.Nxd6 Qc5 26.Qxe5 Qxe5 27.Nxe5 Rh8 28.Ndc4 b5 29.Rxb5+ Kc7 30.Rd1 h5 31.Rd7+ Kc8 32.Nb6+ Kb8 33.Nc6 checkmate That game was from an interesting Jerome Gambit thematic tournament. See "Jerome Gambit for Dummies (5)" for a study that I made of the effect of playing the Jerome Gambit. After that, you might want to read the earlier "Jerome Gambit for Dummies (4)"! That post refers to a study of the effect of one player's knowledge of a particular line of play - suggesting that a study of the Jerome Gambit (or any particular opening) could give additional benefits to the attacking player.
In the following game, White sees further into the position than his opponent does, allowing him to take advantage of the tactical play that the Jerome Gambit affords. Wall, Bill - Guest3992982, 2015 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+
4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.d4 Qe7
This is a very reasonable defense, and apparently a modern one, as the earliest example that I have in The Database comes from an internet game in 2002. The move can be considered a "tool" from Black's toolbox: when two pieces are attacked, one will be lost, so do not waste time saving one, develop another piece instead. 7.dxc5 Qxc5 Black scores 50% in 25 games with this move in The Database. 8.O-O Nf6 9.Be3
Black perceives a possible weakness in White's position - a notion that White encourages, because he sees it as time-wasting pawn-grabbing. 10.Nc3 Qxb2 White gets decent play for this pawn and he recovers material quickly.
15...Bd7 Fascinating. Instead of giving up his Rook for the Knight with 15...Qxb5 (the
correct move, with perhaps still an edge), Black prefers to gain the Bishop for the exchange.
But there is more to the position than he realizes. 16.Nxd6+ White does not have to take the Rook right away. 16...Ke6
17.Bxb8 Rxb8
In this complicated position, Black has two pieces for a Rook and 3 pawns, but his insecure King is probably his main concern. White continues to add pressure. 18.Nf5 g6 19.Ne3 Bc6 20.Qd4
Another surprise: White
does not have to defend the doubly attacked e-pawn with f2-f3. Why not? Let's see. 20...Bxe4 21.f3 Bc6 22.Rae1
White's development continues to be aimed at the enemy King. 22...Qa3 Leaving His Majesty to take care of himself. Stockfish 7 can only suggest that the King flee, 22...Kf7 leaving to the surrender of another piece whith. 23.Qxe5. 23.Nc4 Black resigned
Black's position has become untenable. He will lose his Queen no matter how he defends.