Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Jerome Gambit: Dunno

It can be enjoyable to watch grandmasters like GM Aman Hambleton and GM Hikaru Nakamura play the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) in blitz games for fun, but it is important to remember that the top players generally do not regard the opening as in any way sound.

A more representative view of grandmaster appreciation of the Jerome Gambit was presented in "A GM Weighs In on the Jerome Gambit", where Grandmaster Jonathan Speelman wrote 

What a splendidly purulent gambit 

although he hastened to continue

which nevertheless must be horrible to face in a five minute game and quite tough at slower time limits.

(In all fairness, it must also be remembered that GM Speelman analyzed two of my Jerome Gambit games in his "Agony Column #24" at chessbase.com, and we both had a good laugh at the results.) 

Most recently, Yury V. Bukayev sent me a link to a video clip from Grandmaster Gata Kamsky's twitch account. The 5-time U.S. champion, currently rated 2666, is pleasantly dismissive 

...[S]ometimes some line got the name of somebody. Who cares, guys? We all get it, right? Except when some people give me these obscure names. Like this Jerome Gambit. Who the hell is Jerome? I keep hearing this dude's name and I have no idea who the heck is that guy. All right, who the heck is Jerome? [shrugs]

I'm thinking of printing a t-shirt that says "Who the heck is Jerome?". It would compete with the "Jerome Gambit and Carry On" tee, but it would complement my Jerome Gambit sweatshirt (see "Happy Birthday to Me").

Monday, August 1, 2022

Unorthodox Openings Resource


I have mentioned the Unorthodox Openings Newsletter on several occasions (see "UON" as an example) as a helpful resource for those who play "unorthodox" openings - including the Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+).

The latest issue is available, as well is the UON library of issues, and a list of links to the different openings covered in the issues. There are 4 Jerome Gambits played by Bill Wall, for example, in UON 37.

Check it out.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Jerome Gambit: Gambit Duel (Part 4)


[continued from the previous post]

wgraif (2525) - EricRosen (2591)

3 0 blitz, lichess.org, 2022

As the clocks tick down, the players scramble, intent on only one outcome.

38...Rxb2 39.Re7 Kf6 40.Rc7 Rb3 41.Kf2 Rxa3 42.Rxb7 Rxc3 43.Ra7 a3 44.Ra6 Kf5   


I have to laugh, here. Stockfish looks askance at the Jerome Gambit in general, and it often seems that it seeks out as "best" a line for White is a draw, even when White is better.

So, here it suggests 45.h4, because, I have to assume, then Black can play 45...Rc2+ and have a draw after 46.Ke3 Rc3+ 47.Kf2 Rc3+ etc.

45...Ke6 46.Kf4 Rd3 47.Kg3 Kf5 48.Rxc6 Rxd4 49.Ra6 Rd3


Here the silicon wise guy suggests that 50.h4 was the best way forward. Of course, looking at a million positions a second, it would think that.

White's Kingside activity will ultimately prove unsuccessful.

 50...Rd2 51.g4+ Kf4 52.Ra4+ Kxf3 53.h3 Rd3 54.Kg5 Ke2 55.h4 d4 56.Kg6 Rb3 57.Kxg7 d3 58.g5 d2  59.Rd4 Re3 60.g6 Rd3 61.Re4+ Kf3 62.Kh7 d1Q

Only the clock can save White now. That is not to be.

63.g7 Rd7 64.Kh8  Kxe4  65.g8Q Rd8 66.Kh7 Rxg8 67.Kxg8 Qh5 68.Kg7 Qxh4  69.Kf7 a2 70.Kf8  a1Q 71.Kf7 Qd4 72.Kf8 Qg1 73.Kf7 Kf3 74.Ke8 Kg2 75.Kd7 Kh1 76.Kc7 Qhg3+ 77.Kc6 Qf3+ 78.Kd7 Qgf2 79.Kc7 Q2e2 80.Kd7 Qfd3+ 81.Kc7 Qec2+ 82.Kb8 Qa3 83.Kb7 Qab3+ 84.Ka8 Qca2 checkmate

Wow. Thank you FM Graif and IM Rosen!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jerome Gambit: Gambit Duel (Part 3)


[continued from the previous post]

wgraif (2525) - EricRosen (2591)

3 0 blitz, lichess.org, 2022

If you give this position a minute's thought here - you would lose on time. Both players were under 60 seconds on the clock.

On the board, White's "Jerome pawn" wins back sacrificed material.

21...Bxe6 22.Nxe6 Kf7 23.Rde1 Re8 24.Nxd8+ Qxd8 


Remove the pieces from the board, and White's pawns would win the game (provided the first player moves quickly enough). That is the reasoning behind Stockfish's suggestion for play: 25.Re5 Qd6 26.Rfe1 a5 27.c3 a4 28.h3 c5 29.Bxf6 Qxf6 30.Qxf6+ gxf6 31.Rxe8 Rxe8.

The humans follow the same general path.

25...Rxe8  26.Bxf6 Qxf6  27.Qxh5+ Kf8 28.Qh8+ Kf7 29.Qh5+ Kf8 30.Qg4    

White decides not to repeat the position, instead still going for the win. He is clearly better on the board, but time is flying!

30...a5 31.c3 a4 32.a3 Kf7 33.Qh5+ Qg6 34.Qxg6+ Kxg6 

At this point, the pieces were flying.

35.Kg1 Re2  36.Rb1

Still gamely going for the win. Instead, 36.Rf2 Re1+ 37.Rf1 Re2 38.Rf2 etc would have split the point.


Good Rook + pawn endgame players might point out that 36...Kg5 would keep White's h-pawn better under control, but I do not know if it would matter in the long run.   

37.Kf1 Rc2 38.Re1

Hungry Rooks. Stockfish 15 says "even game".

[to be continued]

Friday, July 29, 2022

Jerome Gambit: Gambit Duel (Part 2)


[continued from the previous post]

wgraif (2525) - EricRosen (2591)

3 0 blitz, lichess.org, 2022

The Jerome Gambit game fits in well in the 
"Gambit Duel" between National Master William Graif and International Master Eric Rosen.


This is a standard idea in the Jerome: pressure on the Knight at f6. There will be risks in making the capture, however, as the game proceeds.

12...Kf7 13.Rad1

White wants to be able to play d2-d4 to block out the enemy Bishop, in order to be able to play f2-f4. This idea is complicated by the fact that once the d-pawn moves, the e-pawn will be unprotected, so that pawn, in turn, will need protection.

In retrospect, White might have looked at Ka1, at some point, unpinning his f-pawn, instead.

13...Bd4 14.Ne2 Bb6  

14...Bxb2 was probably playable, but it would have been a distraction from the plan Black was putting together, and the time spent on working through the complications - 15.Rb1 h4!? (15...Ba3 16.Nf4!?) 16.Bxh4 Nh5 17.Qe3 Bf6 18.Bxf6 Nxf6 19.Rxb7 Rxh2!? 20.Rfb1 was not necessary at this point.


Protecting the e-pawn (with additional pressure on f6), according to plan.

15...Rag8 16.d4 d5 17.f3 c6 

White has played d3-d4, and reinforced his e-pawn with the modest f2-f3. He has pressure on the Knight at f6, and Black would love to see the Bishop exchanged so that he could recapture with the pawn and open the g-file for his Rook.

18.Kh1  Ke8

Nothing sharp, for the moment.

The computer suggests 18...Nh7, with the idea 19.Nf4 Nxg5 20.Qxg5 g6 21.Nd3 when White intends to plant his Knight on e5. Still, Black would be better.

19.Nf4 Bf7

NM Rosen would like to keep White's Knight off of g6.

It is interesting that Stockfish 15 is not concerned about the possible loss of the exchange: it sees 19...Bc7 20.Ng6 Nh7 21.Nxh8 Rxh8 22.Qxh5+ Qf7 as equal.

"Equal" would not be bad for White at this point, although after the text move the computer evaluates White as being more than a Rook better.

Can you see what White has after the text move?

20.e5 Bd8 21.e6 

NM Graif was happy to play this move. I think I would have gone for the more pedestriant 21.exf6 - although, of course, I would never have reached this position against an International Master.

[to be continued]

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Jerome Gambit: Gambit Duel (Part 1)


I recently learned (thank you, Dan) of a 3-minute Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) game played at lichess.org between wgraif (2525) and EricRosen (2591).

Although the game was ultimately won by Black on move 84, the play was complicated and very interesting; and White certainly had his chances.

By the way, International Master Eric Rosen is known for his interest in unusual chess openings, especially the Stafford Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nc6). His videos can be found on YouTube, and he streams on Twitch.

National Master William Graif also streams on Twitch, where you can find a few videos highlighting his "Gambit Duel" with IM Rosen. The two players are clearly having fun - starting with the use of a "gambit wheel" which spins to choose the opening to be played.

Their Jerome Gambit game can be seen at about 26:22, where NM Graif opines accurately "A fan favorite. It has to be the most dubious line here."

wgraif (2525) - EricRosen (2591)

3 0 blitz, lichess.org, 2022

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Kf8 

It is interesting that the lichess.org computer, in its brief analysis, gives Black's move a "?", preferring 6...Ke6. From a silicon point of view, that might be correct, but in human vs human play 6...Kf8 is just fine.

The Database notes that in 1,850 games with 6...Kf8, Black scores 52%; while in 2,775 games with 6...Ke6, Black scores 45%. (All warnings about statistics should be heeded, but the numbers are included here to suggest that the computer's argument is not the only one available.)

7.Qxe5 d6

The computer labels this move an "inaccuracy", suggesting that 7...d5 was best. This is a very good point. The Database has only 4 games with 7...d5, with Black scoring 75%.

I have previously mentioned (see "Jerome Gambit: More Recent Videos") the video "Everything You Should Know About the Jerome Gambit" by GM Cemil Can Ali Marandi. The grandmaster is worth quoting
...[I]n this video I would like to analyze the Jerome Gambit for you guys. You might have heard about the Jerome Gambit and I would like to make sure that everybody understands the ideas behind this gambit and how you should actually proceed. The Jerome Gambit is becoming very popular lately, but you have to kind of understand that this is obviously not the right way to play the game of chess. If you're looking for something which is entertaining, if you're looking for interesting sacrifice right off the bat in the opening this is a gambit for you but it's only for educational and fun purposes. It is really not good for a regular classical game or and over-the-board practice...

The grandmaster's comment on 7...d5 is also educational. After pointing out that "The king is very safe on f8", when he gets to Black's 7th move  

...[T]he best move is 7...d5. The reason is when you're up in development advantage, in this case Black is up in development advantage and he's also a piece up, the idea is to open up as many files as many diagonals as possible toward the enemy King. So White can't really go for the Queen trade. What he can go for is he can take the pawn 8.exd5 but this has its own disadvantage as well because you can realize that White has only played with his Queen and his pawn so far, because he just lost two of his pieces, which he developed earlier, so now Black has to somewhat try to start an attack on this weakened White King...

...and after a move like 7...d5 White obviously doesn't want to trade the Queens because in this position if you trade the Queens, well now Black is simply a piece up and he will be winning the game very easily. Therefore, trading queens when you are attacking, especially down a piece, is generally not a good thing...   

8.Qg3 Nf6 9.Nc3 Be6 10.0–0 Qd7 11.d3 h5    

White has 2 pawns for his sacrificed piece. He is behind in development, and has to deal with the annoying dark square Bishop on c5.

NM Graif makes an interesting comment during the game, that one problem with the Jerome Gambit is that the pawns get in the way of the Rooks. In fact, his next move is designed to physically impede a pawn which will be in front of a Rook that wants to attack White's King...

[to be continued]

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jerome Gambit: A Top Grandmaster Tweets

Yury V. Bukayev let me know that Grandmaster Jorden van Foreest (currently #65 on the FIDE list) tweeted last fall 

Guys, need your honest opinion here: Is the Jerome playable in blitz? Let me know!

I was pleased to see that the very first response was