I can figure out some Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) games, but certainly not all of them.
The following game is a bit of a puzzlement, especially the end.
Perhaps a Reader can explain it.
Robov - sajadbahar
15 10 rapid, lichess.org, 2023
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+
4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ke6
7.f4 g6
White should have been happy with this move. There are 174 games with it in The Database. White scores 75%.
8.Qxe5+ Kf7 9.Qxh8
Capturing the Rook is not much weaker or stronger than capturing the Bishop.
9...Qh4+ 10.g3 Qh3 11.Qc3
Pulling the Queen back. Later in the year, Robov tried 11.d4 Qg2 12.Rf1 Bb4+ 13.c3 Qxe4+ 14.Kd1 Qd3+ 15.Bd2 Qxf1+ 16.Kc2 Bf8 17.Qxh7+ Bg7 18.Qh4 d5 19.Qg5 Bf5+ 20.Kb3 Qf2 21.g4 Bxb1 22.Qxd5+ Kf8 23.Qc5+ Ne7 24.Rxb1 Qxd2 25.Rf1 Qg2 26.f5 Qxf1 27.fxg6 c6 28.h4 Qb5+ 29.Qxb5 cxb5 White resigned, Robov - Omgl, lichess.org, 2023.
White's best move here might have been the novelty 11.f5!?, hoping to open the f-file against the enemy King. That would have convinced Stockfish 16.1 that the first player was better, while the text move supports the second player.
Black's Queen slips behind enemy lines.
Rolling the dice, as the alternative, 12.Rf1 Qxe4+ 13.Kd1 d5 is clearly worse for him.
In turn, Black falters. With the thematic 12...d5 he could have stayed on top.
However, here White resigned. This was unfortunate, as he had the obvious 13.Qxg8+, or 13.Rf1 d6 14.Qxg8+, or even 13.Qf1 Qxe4+ 14.Qe2, in each case with advantage.