The Bishop sacrifice is not the "theoretically best" move (which may or may not be 4.0-0 or 4.Nxd4 or 4.c3) but it has the ability to cause utter chaos in a game – as it does in this one.
perrypawnpusher - TheProducer
blitz 10 0, FICS, 2009
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4


Or 5.Bc4, with attacking chances and the advantage. I just went for the two pawns that were available.
5...Rxg8 6.Nxe5 Ke8

7.d3 d6 8.Nf3 Qf6
Hey, if it works against the Jerome Gambit...

9.Nxd4 Qxd4 10.Nc3 d5
11.Be3 Qe5 12.d4 Qf6 13.Nxd5 Qc6

The know-it-all Rybka 3 later suggested: 15...Kf7 16.Qf4+ Kg7 17.Nxc7 Bd6 18.Qh6+ Kh8 19.Nxa8 Qxe4 20.0-0 Bd7 21.Qg5 Be7 22.Qf4 Qxf4 23.Bxf4 Rxa8 when the position has been simplified, and White has the exchange and three pawn advantage. No fun there, either.
16.Qxe7 checkmate

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