From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Sunday June 18, 1876
End Game No. 4
White - K at KKt6, Kt at KB6, P at KR6 and P at QR3
Black - K at KR, P at QB6, P at QB5 and P at QR3
The above position, which we take from the "Dubuque," is from actual play; A.W. Jerome (white) versus Mr. Steele (black). White had the move, and was about to resign; he played instead and won.
We invite the close attention of solvers to this ending, and hope to receive solutions, though we don't expect many.
1 comment:
Today is the first day of the New Year, January 1, 2010, and what should I discover as a "comment" to this blog post but an advertisement for Viagra...
I don't know if it is simply an error by an advert-bot, or if someone is making a snide comment about the Jerome Gambit, but I decided not allow the comment to be posted.
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