Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Jerome Gambit: "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" (Part 3)


[continued from the previous post]

Well, it was clearly time for me to do something in the game. 

I decided to make some "scary" moves to see where it would get me. Although up to this point my opponent had not been playing like he was lower rated, I hoped I could unsettle him.

24.c3 a4 

Unfazed, my opponent plans to open the a-file, where his Rook resides.

25.d4 Bxd4 

And here is why: he gives back the piece. He can afford to.

The thing is, even if he had played, say, 24...Qf5 instead of 24...a4, then 25.d4 Kb7 26.dxc5 Nxc5 would have replaced one active piece with another. 

26.cxd4 Kb7 

Black realizes in time that 26...Qxd4 would be met by 27.Ba5+, winning the Queen.

However, the escape square should have been a6, not b7. I don't really understand the computer's reasoning, but it shows a long line where White avoids Black forcing a draw by repetition, only to sacrifice a Rook and force a draw by repetition himself.

Now White's Queen is able to get back into play. White is better.

27.Qc3 Rxe1 28.Qc6+ Ka7 29.Rxe1 

I had given a look at 29.Qxc7+ but was worried about having my Queen and King on the same file, with the enemy Rook about. It turns out, it would have been playable - and better than the text.

29...Qd8 30.Ba5 

Played because I thought I knew what my opponent's response would be.


The Knight has been sitting still for a dozen moves. Now is its time to act, to shield the pawn at c7 from the Bishop's attack.

In fact, the pawn should be defended by 30...Rc8, although White would still be better.


Wrapping things up. If now 31...Qxe8, then 32.Qxc7+ Ka6 33.Qxb6 checkmate.


Or 31...Ka6 32.Rxd8 and White wins the Queen, and will subsequently checkmate.

32.Bxb6+ Ka6 33.Rxa8 checkmate

Well, I might be able to call the defensive line played "silly", but it must be acknowledged that my opponent played very serious chess. There is nothing about my success to discourage any opponent from playing the Sillycon Defense. 

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