Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Return of the Anti-Bill Wall Gambit

All is new that has been forgotten.

Wall, Bill - Kumar

SparkChess, 2024

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ 

4...Kxf7 5.Nxe5+ Nxe5 6.Qh5+ Ke6 

7.f4 Bf2+ 

The idea is that if Black is going to lose a piece, it might as well sacrifice itself and disturb the White King.

Of note, according to The Database, Kumar had faced Bill's Jerome Gambit four ties previously, including two games with 7.f4. Kumar might have expected to surprise his opponent, but I note that the earliest example of 7...Bxf2+ in The Database (2010) - is a Bill Wall game.

Perhaps that is why I have referred to it as the Anti-Bill Wall Gambit.

8.Kxf2 Ng6 

Or 8...g6 9.Qxe5+ Kf7 10.Qxh8 Qh4+ 11.g3 and White won Wall,B - Buster, 2010

9.f5+ Kf7 

Or 9...Kd6 10.fxg6 Qf6+ 11.Qf3 Qd4+ 12.Ke2 b6 13.Nc3 hxg6 14.Nb5+ Black resigned, Wall,B - Equa, 2010

10.fxg6+ hxg6 

An earlier game between the two opponents saw 10...Kf8 11.e5 d6 12.Qf3+ Nf6 13.exf6 hxg6 14.d4 gxf6 15.Nc3 c6 16.Bf4 Kg7 17.Rae1 g5 18.Bd2 g4 19.Qe4 Bd7 20.Qf4 Be8 21.Ne4 Rh6 22.Qxh6+ Black resigned, Wall,B - Kumar, sparkchess, 2024

11.Qxh8 Qf6+ 12.Ke1 Black resigned

The attempt to trap White's Queen with 12...Nh6 would fall to 13.Rf1.

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