Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Something Stupid (Part 3)

[continued from the previous post]

perrypawnpusher - Wander007

Giuoco Fun, Chess.com, 2024


32.Qf4+ Qd6 

Exchanging Queens does not ease the defensive task; in fact, it drops a piece.

33.Qxd6+ Rxd6 34.Bxe7 Rd7 35.Bg5 Bxd3 36.Rd2 Bxe4 

At first glance, Black might think that he need only exchange Rooks so that he can enter a Bishops-of-Opposite-Colors endgame that has significant drawing potential.

In this case, however, Black's King is too far away from White's Kingside pawns to effectively blockade them. 

37.g3 Bf3 38.Rc2 

Cutting off the enemy King.

38...Kb7 39.Kf2 Rf7 40.Ke3 Be4 


My opponent messaged me "What?"

I could claim lack of sleep, but the time control was 3 days per move, so there was no reason to hurry into this blunder.   

41...Bxc2 White resigned

Wander007 hung in, and finished by gathering the full point. I wish him the best of luck in his remaining games.

This loss probably ended my chances to move on to the next round in the Giuoco Fun tournament. I have two more Jerome Gambits ongoing, and they both look a bit sickly... Probably end up in 3rd place in my group of 5 - only the top 2 will advance.


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