Our opponents won't always play the Giuoco Piano and very often play the Two Knights defense. I also find it difficult to steer the game to the good Jerome gambit lines from the Two Knights. However, there's a good way to load up on the f7 pawn using the Perreux variation (aka The Morphy Win'Mill). Here's a good example:
Neat finish! Black did not make it to a dozen moves. Many thanks for sharing, Roger!
I have struggled with the Two Knights, as indicated in a number of blog posts, including"Jerome Gambit vs Two Knights Defense" Part 1, 2, 3 & 4. Probably the best coverage of the Perreux Variation appears in Michael Goeller's analysis pages (with a measured further personal assessment) at his The Kenilworthian site. For fast and fun games, the Perreux can be the ticket. It is also enjoyable to read Michel's essay on "Chess Amateurism". There is a lot to be uncovered by searching the internet, but I wanted to mention a selection of relevant games at RedHotPawn.com.
Not too long ago I received a request for a copy of The Database from someone who plays the Jerome Gambit. I quickly emailed it off! Shortly later I received a very nice game from him, which I am very happy to share - see below. RK - DR Internet, 2016 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+
9.Nc3 Re8 10.Bg5 c6 Black would like to keep White's Knight off of d5, where it can join in the attack on the piece at f6. However, a move later he decides to use the same pawn to harass the enemy Queen. This kind of use of time can cause problems. 11.f4 c512.Qf2 Ned7 13.Rae1 Kg8 14.Qg3
Black has prudently castled-by-hand, but his development lags, so that even though he has an extra piece, the game is even. 14...b6 Stockfish 7 suggests the humorous 14...Nh5 15.Qf2 Nhf6 16.Qg3 Nh5 etc with a draw. I am sure that White was looking for more than a draw! White now breaks in the center, and the attack is on. 15.e5 dxe5 16.fxe5 Nxe5
This move adds to Black's pain. 17.Bxf6 Qd7 18.Bxe5 Bb7 19.Rf5 Re7 Of course, if 19...Qxf5 then 20.Qxg7 checkmate. 20.Rg5 Rae8 Black said he was expecting his opponent to play 20...g6 and then he was going to crash through in a few moves with h4-h5-hxg6. He was sure 21.Rxg6+ also wins but he didn't want to exchange so many pieces (21...hxg6 22. Qxg6+ Rg7 23. Bxg7 Qxg7 24. Qxg7+ Kxg7 25. Re7+) just to be up a Knight and needing to march the g and h pawns up the board. 21.Rd1 Black resigned
As White noted, if Black tries to save the Queen with 21...Qc8 then 22.Rxg7+ Kf8 (22...Rxg7 23.Qxg7#; 22...Kh8 23.Rg8#) 23.Rg8+ Kf7 24.Qg7+ Ke6 25.Qf6 checkmate