As mentioned in yesterday's post it is possible to identify the three top finishers in the soon-to-be-completed (one game unfinished) ChessWorld Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+) Thematic Tournament:
1st Place: Piratepaul
2nd Place: stampyshortlegs
3rd Place: Sir Osis of the Liver
Congratulations, all!
The tournament, sponsored by blackburne, has light-hearted prizes (sponsored by jeromegambit.blogspot.com) for the first three finishers. For Piratepaul, in case he wants to expand his attacking openings, there is An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player by Raymond Keene and David Levy. For stampyshortlegs, who showed skill in playing the offbeat Jerome Gambit, there is Baroque Chess Openings by Richard Wincor – containing a whole new set off unorthodox openings. For Sir Osis of the Liver, there is The Basis of Combination in Chess by Julius Du Mont, so that he can continue his tactical ways.
All three are asked to contact me (richardfkennedy@hotmail.com) to provide mailing addresses.