Thursday, October 3, 2024

Jerome Gambit: Wisdom of The Database


Sometimes I choose a line of play in the Jerome Gambit simply because I like it. 

Sometimes I choose a line that is evaluated by the computer as best.

Sometimes I choose a line because it is the most popular.

Let’s see what The Database has to say.

After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+

Accepting the Bishop makes the most sense for Black, and The Database concurs. 

There are 38,714 games with 4…Kxf7, with White scoring 52%.

This compares favorably (for the defender) with 4...Kf8, which is seen in 795 games where White scores 82%; and with 4...Ke7 which appears in 103 games, when White scores 87%.

After 4...Kxf7, then, how does White follow up?

The clear choice of players represented in The Database is 5.Nxe5+, with 27,290 games, with White scoring 58%.

The second most popular move is 5.d4, with 2,789 games, scoring 38%.

The second highest scoring line is 5.Qe2, with 155 games, scoring 49%; followed by 5.c3, with 2,345 games, scoring 46%.

Interestingly, concerning what White should prepare for, and what he should expect, after 5.Nxe5+, he is most likely to encounter 5...Nxe5, with 25,929 games, scoring 58%. Only against 5...Kf8, seen in 798 games, does White score worse than that - 53%.

Minor responses are 5...Ke6, found in 143 games, with White scoring 62%; 5...Ke8 in 394 games, with White scoring 70%; 5...Ke7 in 31 games, with White scoring 71%; and 5...Kf6, 7 games, with White scoring 71%.

After 5...Nxe5, White's most popular and best response is 6.Qh5+, seen in 21,533 games, scoring 57%; followed by 6.d4, in 4,313 games, scoring 55%. Only 6.f4, seen in 14 games, comes close to these two in scoring, at 50%.

Black's most popular response to the Queen check is 6...Ng6, appearing in 10,024 games, with White scoring 56%. Black does a bit better with 6...Ke6, appearing in 4,765, with White scoring 55%; and better yet with 6...Kf8, seen in 3,383 games, with White scoring 47%.

After Black's Knight blocks at g6, White can capture the bishop directly, 7.Qxc5, as seen in 4,971 games, scoring 50%, or toss in the "nudge" 7.Qd5+ first - seen in 4,930 games, with White scoring 62%.

After the Queen captures the Bishop, Black's overwhelming choice has been 7...d6, where White scores only 51%.

However, he has two stronger, little-played responses, in 7...Nf4, appearing in 10 games, with White scoring 50%; and 7...d5, appearing in  22 games, with White scoring 41%.

Finally, after the White Queen is kicked by Black's d-pawn, it can move to a number of different squares. Most popular has been 8.Qe3, seen in 916 games, scoring 49%. Best scoring has been 8.Qb4, appearing in 639 games, scoring 56%.

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