Showing posts with label Mannixcannon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mannixcannon. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015


While it is not from the longest or strangest Jerome Gambit game in The Database (see "The Longest (and Strangest?) Game in The Database") - for other numerical recreations, see "King in Peril: Comment & Reply" - 
the following end position shows the logical outcome of Black being happy with his extra piece, from 4...Kxf7 through 114...Kxa7, but not doing a whole lot with it in the 100-plus moves in the interim.

Mannixcannon - Ellema, FICS, 2014
Drawn after 114...Kxa7

[July 2015 was the third most-visited month in this blog's history. Thank you, Readers, for your attentions. Please visit regularly.]