I clearly should have included him in the Jerome Gambit Gemeinde (see "Jerome Gambit Gemeinde (modern)").
Recently Geoff wrote of a challenge he made at the RedHotPawn site for someone to compose a game where all 16 pawns promote to Queens. "Swiss Gambit" of the site sent him a creation by Ed Collins.
Just play it over...
1.e4 f5 2.e5 Nf6 3.exf6 e5 4.g4 e4 5.Ne2 e3 6.Ng3 e2 7.h4 f4 8.h5 fxg3 9.h6 g5 10.Rh4 gxh4 11.g5 g2 12.g6 Bg7 13.hxg7 g1Q 14.f4 h3 15.f5 h2 16.b4 a5 17.b5 a4 18.b6 a3 19.Bb2 Ra7 20.bxa7 axb2 21.a4 b5 22.a5 b4 23.a6 b3 24.c4 h1Q 25.c5 h5 26.c6 Bb7 27.cxb7 c5 28.d4 c4 29.d5 Nc6 30.dxc6 c3 31.c7 c2 32.c8Q c1Q 33.b8Q Qcc7 34.a8Q d5 35.a7 d4 36.Nc3 dxc3 37.Qa6 c2 38.Qa8b7 c1Q 39.a8Q Qhd5 40.gxh8Q+ Kd7 41.g7 bxa1Q 42.g8Q b2 43.f7 b1Q 44.f8Q h4 45.f6 h3 46.f7 h2 47.Qfa3 h1Q 48.f8Q exf1Q+
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e5 3.f4 a5 4.f5 h5 5.Bf4 exf4 6.c4 b5 7.c5 b4 8.Bc4 dxc4 9.Nc3 bxc3 10.d5 g5 11.e5 g4 12.Nf3 gxf3 13.d6 c2 14.c6 c1R 15.f6 Rb1 16.e6 Bb7 17.cxb7 Na6 18.b8R Bg7 19.fxg7 f5 20.e7 Kf7 21.exd8R c3 22.Rdc8 c2 23.d7 c5 24.d8R c1R 25.a3 Nb4 26.axb4 c4 27.b5 c3 28.b6 c2 29.Kd2 f2 30.b7 f1R 31.b4 f3 32.g4 f2 33.g5 Nh6 34.h3 Ng4 35.hxg4 Rg1 36.g8R f1R 37.g6+ Ke6 38.Rc5 f4 39.Rbc8 f3 40.b8R f2 41.R8c7 Re1 42.b5 f1R 43.b6 a4 44.Ra2 a3 45.Rb2 a2 46.b7 a1R 47.Rbc8 h4 48.b8R h3 49.Rgf8 Rh7 50.Rh2 Rh8 51.Rhf2 h2 52.g7 h1R 53.g8R R8h7 54.g5 R7h6 55.g6 Rh7 56.g7 R7h6 57.Rh8 Rh7 58.g8R cxd1R